Terms & Conditions

General terms of sale and delivery
Applicable for all offers and orders unless otherwise stated in writing.

Offers, orders and agreements
Our offers are always subject to confirmation. Offers, suggestions and drawing material presented and given by us is Gleco property. The material may not be published or shown to competitive companies or persons and may only be used for executions in connection with our deliveries. Orders and agreements must be confirmed in writing by us in order to be binding. Orders will be accepted by us with reservation to strike, lockouts or unpredictable import restrictions.

Delivery and risk transition
Delivery is free to customer at customers normal business address at the risk of customer. Insurance for transportation will only be drawn at customers request and expense. Deliveries to construction sites the goods will be delivered only at dry/paved road according to current trading terms.

Terms of payment are always 10 days net from date of delivery unless other conditions have been agreed upon. Upon partial deliveries of an order partial invoice will be issued accordingly. If the customer is not able to receive the delivery at the delivery time agreed upon the due date of the invoice will be unchanged and to be considered as if delivery had taken place. Possible storage cost will be invoiced at lowest possible price at the expense of the customer. The customer is not allowed to withhold payment of any kind as guarantee or delays in deliveries caused by conditions outside our control. If payment term is exceeded an interest of 2 percent is imposed and calculated from initial due date per commenced month. For every reminder of late payment a fee of DKK 100 will be invoiced.

Liability, deficiencies and late delivery
If the customer claims deficiencies it must be done in writing and not later than 8 days from delivery date. Gleco may by own choice redeliver or repair inadequate delivery/pieces to bring delivered goods into normal functional condition and by such completely liberate Gleco of all liability. Gleco is never liable for compensation claim regarding side effects from late deliveries or deficiencies. Other claims due to late delivery or deficiencies can’t exceed the amount invoiced.

Force majeure
Gleco is not liable for any circumstance out of the control of Gleco and which occurs after an agreement has been made and prevents correct and timely compliance.